Feel the Fire

Many artists lose motivation for their music and stop focusing on their artistry (creativity, originality, skill and imagination.) They lose their ability to create good music by allowing themselves to feel defeated which causes them to lose their luster to perform.

As artists, we have to remind ourselves daily that we are a different breed of people. We see, think, feel and carry our emotion (passion) with us on a daily basis. We wear our apparatus (instrument) in our heads 24/7, and hear colorful notes, tones, and melodies and derive from that are those incredible songs with highs and lows. It is not easy for us to turn off the music because we are the music.

Frustration is just a state of mind. You do not have to allow your feelings to overshadow your love for creating good music. Use your inner self to define who you are and build from that. Release that part of you that you are afraid to let everybody see. Be creative and inspired by things that make you happy and/or even things that make you sad or angry and use those experiences to map out where you want to go with your next album.

A favorite quote of mine is, “to whom much is given much is required.” Just stop and think about these words for a minute. Makes sense huh?

One last thing, never forget the task ahead of you is never as great as the power behind you.

Written by: JuLā DuCré and Rico DeLeon


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