All Eyes on You!

Written by: JuLā DuCre, Head Writer
Published by Big G Artists Agency, LLC

What is perception? It's our sensory experience of the world around us. Perception is one of the main causes which determine how people receive us and their behavior is a response (reaction) to their inspection of us. One illustration of this is how people respond to you. I’m sure you’re somewhat familiar with the old adage “first impression is the lasting impression.”

We are not judged on our finest qualities: character and uniqueness. Instead, we are prematurely judged on other peoples “perception” of us. It is like being in a “looking glass.” That’s how people perceive us when we’re in the entertainment industry whether film, music, media and etc. What we are is an illusion to these types of people… a figment of their imagination. Who enjoys showing their dirty laundry to perfect strangers? Nobody! We are placed under a microscope because it is easier to concentrate on someone else’s faults and failure, rather than focusing on our own. It is what it is. Don’t be mad at me!!

Before you put something out there for the entire world to see, think about this… how do you want to be perceived? What’s your storyline? What story do you want the world to see? How do you want to be remembered? Once it’s leaked there is no turning back.


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