First Impression: What's Your Style?

Many talented/emerging artists are baffled with the question of “image” a representation of their brand (product), and do not have any sense of their own style. These types of artists are lacking creativity and originality in terms of who they want people to see. Thus, they sometimes copy things from other artists or have no sense of “style” at all.

Example: Their look is plain and boring and very little effort was involved in creating this style. (No imagination!)

A few rising artists have a true and distinct style of their own. Because, they know that "first impression" is an extremely important part in selling your product which is your brand/music: Cd’s, merchandise and etc. However, many artists do not see the business side in terms of marketing and media imagery. And, they often overlook this crucial element.

Style is only one aspect of an artist's “first impression.” It is an artist’s statement! It is important that you define your look, just as you have defined your sound.

Create your signature style!

Written by J. DuCre, Head writer


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