Music Marketing Sense

If you want to get a record deal, get people to your shows, or sell music like crazy, the answer is not some kind of "magic pill." Big G Artists Agency, LLC can be your guide and help put on the right path to achieving success. We are not fortune tellers nor do we make promises that we cannot keep. However, what we will do is work hard for you!

BGA has nearly 15 years of experience in the music industry with a team of consultants with over 30 of years of experience in the recording industry. We have a new approach to music marketing in the modern day music millennium.

You can either push or pull your little red wagon. How complicated you want your work to be is up to you! Climbing a mountain uphill may be a hard battle. But, it can be a lot easier and less painful if you follow a few (common sense) rules to a successful music career. Hint: Business First!!

Getting to the top is the ultimate goal. Staying there can and will be difficult if you are not prepared to do whatever it takes to maintain your momentum and sanity once you get there.

"Big G Artists Agency, LLC, an innovator that leads by example"

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Article by: Kima L. Jones, writer 


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