Acquiesce just for a moment

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

If you are in a relationship with someone who constantly lowers your standards and tells you "that's just how men/women are..." don't believe the hype. When, in fact, that's how this person really is and how he/she feels about relationships in general. 

It is time for you to move on; if that's the best you can get from your mate. Don’t ever believe that's how all men and women are, and that your only option is to deal with it. No! No! No!

Stand your ground and walk away. It might hurt for a minute. But, 6 months to a year from now or perhaps sooner, you will be thankful for making the best decision.

"A good relationship should make you feel good."- JuLā DuCré, RMJ Relationship Guru


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