“Do’s and Don’t’s” when contacting a talent booking agency

Are you soliciting yourself to talent booking agents in the best way? Connecting, contacting and networking is a large piece in getting your name out there, gaining representation or booking gigs in the music business. It comes down to not just standing out but delivering and getting your point across in the best way as fast as you can and make the best impression possible.

No matter how many bands we talk to, it never ceases to amaze us, how poorly a job bands do trying to book themselves. Let's face it. Getting your band booked is like looking for a job. Whether you are looking to work in a Fortune 500 company or looking to cut someone's lawn, it's all the same. You are seeking to provide services that you wish to be paid for. Why should performing in a band be treated any less seriously than working on Wall Street?

Think about it. The boss (talent buyer) is looking for employees (bands) to fill (book) a position (gig) in his company (club/venue). However, for whatever the reason, band members often do not see it like this. If bands approached every club like is was a large company, and treated every gig like it was a "day job", the bands would be surprised how their perspective, strategy and results would change.

  • Research
  • Speak to the right person
  • Be professional
  • Invite the talent buyer to see you live
  • Sell yourself
  • Be persistent

1) a tape or CD of the band (Good talent buyers can hear through the production or lack thereof.);

(2) a picture of the band (preferably an on-stage action shot);

(3) a song list (a current list, not songs you want to learn or used to play);

(4) a list of places the band has recently played; and most importantly,

(5) a list of places that you are scheduled to play.

  • Never leave a message for a talent buyer to call you back with the club's mailing address.
  • Don't walk into a club on a busy Friday or Saturday night and expect to book your band.
  • Don't send a talent buyer "unsolicited" materials. If it is not good, it will get trashed!
  • Don't try to be something you are not. (Be yourself)
  • Don't let money be your sole motivator.
As we say in Louisiana...

Laissez le Bon temp rouler (Lazay Lay Bon Tom Roulay): Let the good times roll ...


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