Unclutter Your Life

Being stuck in a “rut” is definitely one of life’s worst problems and experiences that many people go through on a daily basis. You are where your mind took you. We can end up feeling a range of emotions such as helplessness, vulnerability, lack of self confidence, lack of self esteem, laziness, etc. Even at your lowest of low, a twinkle of hope may still be present to turn things around and get you going again.

The following tips are a few simple methods to help you bounce back out of that dreaded “rut” and get out of your head and live:

Break the pattern of your routine

Many people love them, as it gives them some type of calming down effect and security. However, we get too comfortable, and as a result, this leads to our lack of action which is a direct result of feeling like being in a “rut.” One thing you can do to disrupt this routine is do things in a different manner than you are accustomed to doing. Do something “out of the box." Use this new opportunity to break free from that rut.

Reward yourself

Reward yourself a little for trying something new and stepping “out of the box.” We all like rewards, no matter how small they are. Use that to your advantage as a bargaining leverage to get you moving. If you cheat, only you will suffer the consequence. And, I believe you know what it is.

Get yourself moving

Action! Many times, when we are in a “rut” psychologically, it is frankly due to our physical unhappiness (discontentment.) Being mentally freshened is related to how our body responds to various stimuli. So take a walk, go for a bicycle ride, go swimming, or just go to the gym and have a good workout. Do something! You’ll instantly feel better physically which will translate mentally. Let all your stress and negative energy go!! Release it!

Clean up your space

How can you concentrate or be productive if you cannot stand to be in your own space? If it needs cleaning, clean it up! Rid yourself of all that junk you've been hoarding. Once you’re done, you’re going to feel so much better and actually begin to appreciate the space that you were not even aware existed. It will feel like a new beginning.

Get rid of bad habits

We’re not telling you what to do. But, if you consider ridding yourself of your bad habits, for example, smoking, drugs, sleeping too late, eating unhealthy foods, excessive drinking and etc., this bad habit will not have anything to thrive on and/or keep it alive. Kick those bad habits to the curb. Free yourself from strongholds that are holding you back, thus you will be able to reclaim control over your life and start moving forward again in the right direction.

Freshen up your appearance

Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see? Give yourself a proper evaluation. Be strong. If you are in a “rut,” pull yourself out of that “rut” so that you will be able to move forward.

Use meditation to clear your mind

Pray, meditate or do whatever works for you. When we’re in a rut, we become lazy and let everything, including ourselves go. Love yourself better. Once you have overcome your anxieties, you will feel better and ready for the final step.

Let it go

Any action is better than no action. Even if you take baby steps, just keep it moving. You are going in the right direction. 


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